exercise for erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is one of the most commonly found sexual problems in men. It can be defined as the inability to maintain a penile erection for long enough during sexual intercourse to perform satisfactorily. The muscles that are important to hold up an erection might lose their strength, so exercise for erectile dysfunction can help to reverse such conditions.

Earlier, the exact causes behind erectile dysfunction were unknown; psychological problems were considered the primary reason behind it. It is now found that erectile dysfunction can be caused by several physical issues affecting your blood vessels, certain neurological conditions, stress, and injuries.

What are the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

The symptoms of erectile dysfunction may Include:

  • Not having a proper penial erection during sexual intercourse
  • The erection does not last long enough to get satisfactory results
  • Not being able to get any erection at all
  • Having to put excessive effort into maintaining an erection

What are the types of Erectile Dysfunction?

  • Vascular erectile dysfunction: This kind refers to the dysfunction occurring due to the lack of proper blood flow in the blood vessels of the penis. This is the most common in all.
  • Neurogenic erectile dysfunction: Neurogenic ED is caused by neurological problems which hamper the connectivity of signals reaching from your brain to your penis for an erection during arousal.
  • Hormonal erectile dysfunction: This kind of dysfunction occurs due to an insufficiency of male hormones, namely testosterone, and in some cases, thyroid problems.
  • Psychological erectile dysfunction: It can be caused by several mental health issues like depression, stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem issues, which hinder maintaining or even having a proper erection due to low sex drive.

What can cause a Erectile Dysfunction?

There are plenty of reasons that can cause erectile dysfunction Some are listed below

  • Bad circulatory system. The blood vessels that carry the blood throughout the body are called the circulatory system. For your penis to have a proper erection and maintain it, it needs to have adequate blood flow. The blood needs to stay trapped in the penis to hold onto an erection, and there are certain valves that might fail to do so. Therefore, ED can happen to you and at any age. 
  • Neurological causes. Nerves are the pathway for any part of the body to receive signals from the brain. Any kind of nerve damage from injury or any kind of surgery around the pelvis can cause erectile dysfunction. 
  • Hormonal imbalance. Hormones are the components that drive your body to do some functions. If there is any kind of imbalance in the production of hormones in your body, like low testosterone, increased prolactin, or imbalance in the thyroid, they can contribute to dysfunction in your penial erection.
  • Diabetes. High blood sugar is a fairly common reason behind erectile dysfunction for many men. Limited blood flow, neuropathy, and damaged blood vessels are some of the causes that impair your satisfactory sexual life.
  • Bad mental health. The sexual urges start in your brain, and both your physical and mental health are equally important for successful sexual intercourse. If you are suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression, it may further worsen your erectile dysfunction and lower your self-esteem and confidence inside your bedroom.

How to treat Erectile Dysfunction?

To treat erectile dysfunction, at first, we need to identify the underlying causes behind it. Accordingly, the medical professional can determine the course of treatment best suited for the patient. Here is a list of some common types of practices and treatments incorporated into the treatment of ED 

  • Medicines are prescribed to consume orally that helps to increase the blood flow to the penis. Phosphodiesterase type-5 drugs like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra are suggested to take, and they start to show their effects within an hour.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy, which is available in cream or gel, skin patches, pellets, and injections, is used to increase the testosterone level if it is found deficient in anybody. These are mostly used for older men. 
  • Doing cardiovascular exercises regularly might help to reverse the effects of erectile dysfunction if it is mild. Adding brisk walking, jogging, and running for 45 minutes a day, for three to four days a week, can positively impact ED.
  • The penile implant procedure involves a surgeon placing a device to make your penis hard during sexual activities. With these implants, sexual pleasure or sensation is in no way hampered for both partners.


Erectile dysfunction is common among men of different age groups. It might make you self-conscious and embarrassed to have ED, but don’t shy away from seeking medical help. It can be your body’s way of indicating that there are some other severe kinds of problems that you are unaware of. It is important that you discuss openly with your doctor and find the right kind of treatment to solve this problem and improve your overall quality of life.

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