
Gemstone therapy uses coloured gemstones to heal and balance the body, mind, and spirit. Crystals are believed to align one’s chakra with the Earth’s magnetic fields to help promote healing physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual conditions. It’s also used as a form of alternative medicine among some practitioners. Khanna gems are the top place to buy gemstones.


This post will dive into what gemstone therapy is all about. And we’ll explore some of the most common gemstones and their uses for healing.

What Is Gemstone Therapy


Gemstones have been used for centuries to enhance health and positively manifest change in one’s life. Ancient civilisations used gems for healing, spiritual empowerment, and celebration. While many ancient cultures believed gemstones had magical properties that could promote good fortune or prosperity, modern science recognises that they can influence the mind and body in tangible ways. It’s not just a matter of belief.

“It’s all about vibrational energy,” says prolific author Jonathan Cartwright, who has written several books on the subject of crystal healing and gemstone  . “.


The placement of these stones on our bodies acts as an antenna. The rocks are beaming their vibrational energy into our bodies, thus rebalancing the energy flow within. In this process, your body is allowed to heal itself.” 

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How It Works


Gemstones  help restore energetic balance in the mind and body by absorbing negative energies in our environment (like excessive stress or anxiety) and releasing healing vibrations in the process.

When worn as jewelry, crystals have the power to improve a person’s health from head to toe. They can be worn as pendants or placed on specific organs of the body for maximum effect.

By working with crystals and gemstones, we’re able to amplify our energy centers known as chakras . These seven energy centers are located throughout our bodies and serve as receptacles for vibrations and energy. When these centers are in balance, we experience harmony and peace. But when they’re off-kilter, we tend to feel anxious and disconnected.

Chakras and gemstones

Healing stones have the power to rebalance the chakras by absorbing negative energies or strengthening weak areas. By balancing your energetic centers, you’ll notice a positive shift in your emotional state–and a corresponding shift in your health. Each of your chakras has a specific meaning and purpose:

Root Chakra : Located at the base of the spine, this chakra deals with survival issues like security, stability , and self-esteem . It’s important to keep this one balanced, or you’ll likely experience issues like stress, anxiety, and low self-worth

Sacral chakra  : This energy centre is located in your lower abdomen (below the navel) and plays a role in cognitive reasoning and decision-making. It’s helpful to keep this chakra balanced because an unbalanced third eye could cause problems with memory and learning.

Sacral chakra: This energy centre is located in your plexus area  the navel) and plays a role in. It’s helpful to keep this chakra balanced because it could cause problems. 

Heart Chakra: The heart chakra is located in the middle of your chest, and it represents our self-worth, love, compassion, and humanity. Keeping this chakra balanced will keep you from being afraid or feeling unloved or insignificant.: The heart chakra is located in the middle of your chest, representing love. Keeping this chakra balanced will help  you feel loved

Throat chakra:: It’s located on your throat (between the collarbones) and deals with how we perceive ourselves. This centre is important because it directly affects our love, fear, anger, and fear.

The Top 10 benefits of gemstone therapy include:

– Gemstones help with reconnecting to your inner self and the environment.

– Gemstones can heal dis-ease in the body, mind, and spirit.

– Some gemstones are powerful energy transmitters that balance and support the entire chakras system.

– Working with gemstones helps you detach yourself from negative thoughts, emotions, and physical reactions.   

– Your pulse rate lowers when you’re working with a variety of gemstone sources to help quiet your subconscious mind so that one might gain access to their intuitive wisdom. – Gemstones can aid in releasing previous trauma when working with them.

 – If a person is not motivated to work with their gemstone stones, they are more likely to pick up negative energy from other sources. – Gemstones and crystals heal the human body by providing soothing and healing influences, which is especially helpful during pregnancy.

– The physical properties of gemstones act on the body’s electromagnetic field, helping balance and restore the vital force of your aura.

– Many people are motivated to work with their gemstone stones because they want to be more in tune with their spiritual side of life. – Gemstones are natural cleansers that assist the body in releasing toxins, and the mind releases negative thoughts, allowing for a person to heal themselves by releasing their emotions and thoughts.

– The vibration of gemstone stones are thought to be beneficial for meditation, and meditation is believed to help with relaxation, leading to healing.

 – Gemstones support the development of psychic abilities, and many people seek out gemstone therapy as they want more information about their capabilities by using gemstone stones as a conduit.

– People are becoming more accepting of the various benefits that gemstone therapy provides.

– When you use your intuition, it feels like you have increased power and clarity. 

– Gemstones are a powerful tool to communicate with self, your guides, and angels. – Some gemstones are believed to magnify one’s thoughts, allowing them to make their wishes come true with the help of their crystals. 

– Gemstones can aid people who have trouble sleeping because they help them gain inner peace when working with them. –

 Gemstone stones can be helpful for people who suffer from nightmares because they keep the person in tune with their inner self and have greater clarity when sleeping.



In addition to helping you heal from debilitating medical conditions like cancer, crystal therapy can also help improve your physical health in several ways. According to gemstone healing practitioners, wearing gemstones can increase your natural energy by up to 40 per cent. Gemstones healing is also said to improve immune function, balance the hormonal system, ease pain, and boost mental clarity.


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